Dr 15 - possible planetary nebula in the constellation Centaurus

This is the first image taken purely remotely at Gemsbock Observatory. For the "remote first light" I chose the presumably old planetary nebula Dr 15, which was discovered in 2018 by Marcel Drechsler The true nature of the nebula has not yet been clarified (2024) and it is still being listed as a candidate at planetarynebulae.net .

With an exposure time of 20 hours in H-alpha light, I was able to work out some details and filaments of the nebula that I have never seen in any image before. I also exposed 20 hours with the OIII filter, but with the used focal length there was absolutely no recognizable structure in the image.

larger image
Optics: Planewave CDK 14 with Televue 0.8x reducer
Aperture: 350 mm
Focal Length: 2050 mm
Camera: QHY268M
Exposure: R:G:B 12:12:12 x 600 s
Ha 120 x 600 s
Location: Gemsbock Observatory, Rooisand Desert Ranch, Namibia
Processing: PixInsight, Photoshop
annotated image

image field in the sky