CVMP 1 und He 2-120 – zwei planetarische Nebel im Sternbild Zirkel

The two planetary nebulae together fit perfectly into the field of view of the CDK. In addition to their bright core area, both nebulae have an extended shell that glows in the light of the hydrogen Hα line.

In the center of the nebulae the two white dwarfs are visible, which excite their old, ejected star shells to glow, see the detailed images in 100% resolution.

larger image
Optics: Planewave CDK 14 with Televue 0.8x reducer
Aperture: 350 mm
Focal Length: 2050 mm
Camera: QHY268M
Exposure: R:G:B 18:18:18 x 600 s
Ha:OIII 105:105 x 600 s
Location: Gemsbock Observatory, Rooisand Desert Ranch, Namibia
Processing: PixInsight, Photoshop
Diameter:14 Lj (CVMP 1)
3.5 Lj (He 2-120)
Distance:6500 Lj (CVMP 1)
8700 Lj (He 2-120)
annotated image
He 2-120 – detail
image field in the sky
CVMP 1 – detail