NGC 134 - Spiral Galaxy in the constellation Sculptur

The first image of a galaxy at the Gemsbock Observatory shows the barred spiral NGC 134. With its spiral arms loosely wrapped around the central bar, the galaxy is very similar to our Milky Way. The numerous large gas nebulae of the star-forming regions appear as reddish areas along the spiral arms.
The galaxy does not appear symmetrical. It shows faint extensions directly on its northwest and southeast sides, possibly indicating an interaction with another galaxy. The sum image also shows two faint arcs extending eastwards from NGC 134, which are marked in the contrast-enhanced version.

larger image
Optics: Planewave CDK 14 with Televue 0.8x reducer
Aperture: 350 mm
Focal Length: 2050 mm
Camera: QHY268M
Exposure: L:R:G:B 96:47:47:47 x 600 s
Hα 132 x 600 s
Location: Gemsbock Observatory, Rooisand Desert Ranch, Namibia
Processing: PixInsight, Photoshop
Diameter:160,000 light years
Distance:60 million light years
annotated image
possible tidal streams
image field in the sky