GN 15.42.0 - Reflection nebula in the constellation Lupus

After imaging this region in 2021 with a relatively short exposure time, I really wanted to expose it for longer. As a result, numerous details appear in the reflection nebula itself as well as in the surrounding dark cloud B228.
In addition, 20 hours of exposure time in the light of the Hα line made it possible to visualize the Herbig-Haro objects in the region. These objects are formed around very young stars, often hidden in the dark clouds, which ionize their surroundings through gas jets.
The designation in the annotated image was created with the help of the paper by Wang and Henning (2009). Only a single reddish nebula spot could not be assigned to any Herbig-Haro object and its nature is not clear to me.

larger image
Optics: Planewave CDK 14 with Televue 0.8x reducer
Aperture: 350 mm
Focal Length: 2050 mm
Camera: QHY268M
Exposure: L:R:G:B 60:30:30:30 x 600 s
Hα 120 x 600 s
Location: Gemsbock Observatory, Rooisand Desert Ranch, Namibia
Processing: PixInsight, Photoshop
Diameter:0.25 light years
Distance:500 light years
annotated image

image field in the sky