PK 315-00.1 in the constellation Centaurus
Our direct neighboring star system, with the bright star Alpha Centauri as its main star, attracts attention at every star gazing under southern sky.
Much less known, however, is this beautiful planetary nebula, located only 1.5 lunar diameters west of Alpha Centauri. The small central part is very bright and stands out even in shorter exposed images. The fragmented outer shell is much fainter and requires longer exposure times.

Date: | 06.-08.08.2021 |
Optics: | Planewave CDK 12.5 with Televue 0.8x reducer |
Aperture: | 318 mm |
Focal Length: | 2030 mm |
Camera: | QHY163M |
Exposure: | R:G:B 4:4:4 x 300 s Hα 29 x 600 s |
Location: | Chamaeleon Observatory, Onjala Lodge, Namibia |
Processing: | Nebulosity, StarTools, Starnet++, Photoshop |
Diameter: | 37 light years |
Distance: | 11,500 light years |