Gum 36 and Stock 13 - emission nebulae and star cluster in the constellation Carina

To the east of the well-known bright star cluster NGC 3532 is the small but very pretty emission nebula Gum 36. The nebula and the neighboring open star cluster Stock 13 (see annotated image) have the same distance to Earth and are therefore also real neighbors in space.

larger image
Optics: Planewave CDK 12.5 with Televue 0.8x reducer
Aperture: 318 mm
Focal Length: 2030 mm
Camera: Alccd 12
Exposure: 21 x 600 s
Location: Chamaeleon Observatory, Onjala Lodge, Namibia
Processing: PixInsight, Photoshop
Diameter:12 light years (Gum 36)
Distance:10,000 light years
annotated image

image field in the sky