Scorpius with Mars and Saturn

Scorpius is one of the most prominent constellations in the sky. Besides its prominent position in the brightest parts of the Milky Way, it is also easy to spot in the sky. The images for this 8-panel mosaic were collected over 3 years. As a special addon, the two planets Mars and Saturn stand in the northern part of Scorpius at the beginning of May 2016, giving this mosaic a very special look.

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Optics: Canon EF 100mm/1:2.8 USM Macro at f/2.8
Focal Length: 100 mm
Camera: Alccd8L
Exposure: 186 x 600 s
Location: Chamaeleon Observatory, Onjala Lodge, Namibia
Processing: Nebulosity, Registar, Photoshop
annotated image